31 iulie 2009
Imi pusesem cravata rosie cand a sunat telefonul. Era ea. M-a anuntat ca nu mai poate iesi. Cu mana dreapta pe nod si cu stanga pe margine, am tras, si am rasuflat usurat. M-am trantit in pat. Incubus. Ascult ratacit printre ganduri. Opresc muzica. Legends of the fall... si Trrrrr! A! Ma suna iar?!? Nu..., nu e ea... o alta ea... File multe rupte in calendar de cand nu a mai sunat.... Ce a apucat-o acum?!?! E singura? Se plictiseste? Dar viata mea s-a schimbat radical de atunci si... am invatat sa traiesc si fara ea. Imi e chiar bine! ... Trrrr! Enervant! Enervat, raspund. Imi vorbeste de parca ne auzisem azi!
28 iulie 2009
23 iulie 2009
Be confident. If you can’t be confident at least act confident. Soon enough your brain won’t notice the difference and it’ll just come natural.
Laugh. A lot.
Be silly.
Have fun.
Goof around whenever possible.
22 iulie 2009
Expressions of emotions
In Action.
I'm in a good mood.
21 iulie 2009
The letter, by Oskar Schindler’s former workers
"Brothers!We, the undersigned Jews from Krakow, inmates of Plaszow concentration camp, have, since 1942, worked in Director Schindler’s business. Since Schindler took over management of the business, it was his exclusive goal to protect us from resettlement, which would have meant our ultimate liquidation. During the entire period in which we worked for Director Schindler he did everything possible to save the lives of the greatest possible number of Jews, in spite of the tremendous difficulties; especially during a time when receiving Jewish workers caused great difficulties with the authorities. Director Schindler took care of our sustenance, and as a result, during the whole period of our employment by him there was not a single case of unnatural death. All in all he employed more than 1,000 Jews in Krakow. As the Russian frontline approached and it became necessary to transfer us to a different concentration camp, Director Schindler relocated his business to Bruennlitz near Zwittau.There were huge difficulties connected with the implementation of Director Schindler’s business, and he took great pains to introduce this plan. The fact that he attained permission to create a camp, in which not only women and men, but also families could stay together, is unique within the territory of the Reich. Special mention must be given to the fact that our resettlement to Bruennlitz was carried out by way of a list of names, put together in Krakow and approved by the Central Administration of all concentration camps in Oranienburg (a unique case). After the men had been interned in Gross-Rosen concentration camp for no more than a couple of days and the women for 3 weeks in Auschwitz concentration camp, we may claim with assertiveness that with our arrival in Bruennlitz we owe our lives solely to the efforts of Director Schindler and his humane treatment of his workers. Director Schindler took care of the improvement of our living standards by providing us with extra food and clothing. No money was spared and his one and only goal was the humanistic ideal of saving our lives from inevitable death.It is only thanks to the ceaseless efforts and interventions of Director Schindler with the authorities in question, that we stayed in Bruennlitz, in spite of the existing danger, as, with the approaching frontline we would all have been moved away by the leaders of the camp, which would have meant our ultimate end. This we declare today, on this day of the declaration of the end of the war, as we await our official liberation and the opportunity to return to our destroyed families and homes. Here we are, a gathering of 1100 people, 800 men and 300 women.All Jewish workers, that were inmates in the Gross-Rosen and Auschwitz concentration camps respectively declare wholeheartedly their gratitude towards Director Schindler, and we herewith state that it is exclusively due to his efforts, that we were permitted to witness this moment, the end of the war.Concerning Director Schindler's treatment of the Jews, one event that took place during our internment in Bruennlitz in January of this year which deserves special mention was coincidentally a transport of Jewish inmates, that had been evacuated from the Auschwitz concentration camp, Goleschow outpost, and ended up near us. This transport consisted exclusively of more than 100 sick people from a hospital which had been cleared during the liquidation of the camp. These people reached us frozen and almost unable to carry on living after having wandered for weeks. No other camp was willing to accept this transport and it was Director Schindler alone who personally took care of these people, while giving them shelter on his factory premises; even though there was not the slightest chance of them ever being employed. He gave considerable sums out of his own private funds, to enable their recovery as quick as possible. He organized medical aid and established a special hospital room for those people who were bedridden. It was only because of his personal care that it was possible to save 80 of these people from their inevitable death and to restore them to life.We sincerely plead with you to help Director Schindler in any way possible, and especially to enable him to establish a new life, because of all he did for us both in Krakow and in Bruennlitz he sacrificed his entire fortune.Bruennlitz, May 8, 1945."

16 iulie 2009
Valeriu Cercel
De-aş putea să dau durerea pentr’un strop de fericire,
Şi să schimb întrega ură, pe-o secundă de iubire,
Iar din lacrimile toate, de-aş putea, torent să fac,
Să dispară în oceane, cu tot răul fără leac,
De-aş putea ca mărăcinii, prăfuiţi de lângă drum,
Să ne’mbete ca şi crinii, noaptea, cu a lor parfum,
De-aş putea să ard tristeţea şi din flăcări, bucurie,
Urletele disperării, să le fac o melodie,
Norii negrii, de-aş putea, i-aş ascunde după munţi,
Şi pe Soare l-aş ruga, să ne descreţească frunţi,
Stelele, le-aş da pe toate, le-aş culege de pe cer,
Fiecare să şi-o poarte îmbrăcat cu-al ei mister,
Timpul, cu aripa lui, l-aş opri din zbor, cu’n vers,
Să ne bucurăm o clipă, că e rai în univers.
8 iulie 2009
2 iulie 2009
Doi plang – unul in bratele celuilalt.
Scrie cu sange pe sfletul lor:
un singur cuvant,
ce poate, ar trebui sa doara,
dar nu.
De data asta,
lacrimile ce se scurg pe rapa unui rid adanc,
un izvor de fericire sunt.
Priveste in jurul tau si razi!
Un fluture, fara aripi, alearga.
Parfum, polen si…pleaca.
Si mori de gelozie.
Da apa izvorului tau
si uda-l!
vine un fluture,
Du-l cu tine, raule,
in mare,
iar marea in ocean sa-l duca!
Parasit in mijlocul oceanului,
va strange malul si-si va ridica o movila.
Acolo, in desertul apei,
un fluture ce poarta cu el,
va sadi viata.
Fugi, fluture!
Scrie cu sange pe sfletul lor:
un singur cuvant,
ce poate, ar trebui sa doara,
dar nu.
De data asta,
lacrimile ce se scurg pe rapa unui rid adanc,
un izvor de fericire sunt.
Priveste in jurul tau si razi!
Un fluture, fara aripi, alearga.
Parfum, polen si…pleaca.
Si mori de gelozie.
Da apa izvorului tau
si uda-l!
vine un fluture,
Du-l cu tine, raule,
in mare,
iar marea in ocean sa-l duca!
Parasit in mijlocul oceanului,
va strange malul si-si va ridica o movila.
Acolo, in desertul apei,
un fluture ce poarta cu el,
va sadi viata.
Fugi, fluture!
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