Ma simt penibil si extrem de rusinata...
Incercam sa dau lectii de limba romana pe un blog...
Cineva a scris urmatorul text:
"totul a pornit ca un super articol si mocanii astia de albanezi sau (1) incalzit cu nationalismu (2) si/sau regionalismu (3) lor puternic.BAAAA!!! era vorba de caterinca, oricum soferi tampiti si inceti si care (7) nu respecte regulile (4) sunt peste tot. poate omu care a scris asta a trait experienta asta la un moment dat si i sa parut funny sa scrie despre ea. ma mir ca albanezii sau (5) aprins asa repede ca din fire sunt mai molcomi. Da pai undei (6) graba!!!"
Si insemnarile mele:
(1) & (5) Era o cratima acolo!
(2) & (3) lipseste “l” sau macar un apostrof…
(4) se scrie cu “r” (regurile)
(6) iar amarata de cratima!!! (unde-i)
(7) ?!?! mananci cuvinte.…
Deja m-am plictisit de corectat…
Trec cu vederea litera mica de la inceputul fiecarei propozitii…
Bine ca limba romana nu are legatura cu sofatul… Dezastros!
Da, (4) nu trebuia sa existe!
Mi se parea ca fiecare cuvant ascunde o greseala... Iar "regulile, regulile, regulile... re-gu-li-leeeee" :((
28 mai 2009
27 mai 2009
25 mai 2009
To know I'm alive
Do you dream, that the world will know your name
So tell me your name
Do you care, about all the little things or anything at all?
I wanna feel, all the chemicals inside I wanna feel
I wanna sunburn, just to know that I'm alive
To know I'm alive
So tell me your name
Do you care, about all the little things or anything at all?
I wanna feel, all the chemicals inside I wanna feel
I wanna sunburn, just to know that I'm alive
To know I'm alive
23 mai 2009
22 mai 2009
14 mai 2009
13 mai 2009
New York 2032

Look at this prediction of a future New York City from 1932. On the lower centre of the painting you can see a very small Empire State Building, which was clearly preserved by the City Fathers to merely provide scale. The building across the road is at least twice as tall and four by six city blocks wide. The one behind it is even taller. Heck, the ornamental carvings holding up the clock are nearly as tall as the Empire State Building! You'll also notice that not only are there sky bridges to keep the proles off the ground and aerodromes on top of various buildings, but one has a hanger big enough to hold several zeppelins!
4 mai 2009
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